Choosing an Egg Donor, Part 2

Posted on August 8, 2008 by Inception Fertility

In the June 2008 issue of the Fertility Flash- The experience of attachment to a child, the feeling of being in love with him or her, happens regardless of whether one or both parents share the child’s DNA.

  • Mothers and fathers are the ones that raise and love a child. Donors are the ones that donated or helped.
  • Most donors donate for a complex blend of altruistic and monetary reasons.
  • Each of our PFC agency donors has a psychological interview with me. In addition they take a psychological test (PAI); this test assists me in assessing not only their personality, but also their honesty and reliability.
  • The more stringent your criteria for choosing a donor, the longer it will take to find her.

    So, how in the world do you choose a donor? I think there is a relatively simple answer to this seemingly complex question. Choose the donor that jumps off the page at you. Choose the donor whom you like best, resonate with, feel a connection to, are impressed by. That donor may or may not look exactly like you, but she will be someone you might have chosen as a friend or you could imagine as your daughter. I believe the goal in choosing an egg donor is to be able to look at your child and either say or think to yourself, “we couldn’t use my DNA, but we chose someone we thought was lovely, interesting, attractive, smart, motivated (add the adjectives of your choice) to be our child’s donor. “ Practically speaking, if you have a partner, it may work best to look at donor profiles separately from him or her. After each of you note your favorites, you should then come together and choose from the selections that you both indicated. This process helps assure you both were able to choose without pressure from your partner. Finally, please remember there is no “perfect donor,” but that does not mean you won’t be blessed with the “perfect child.”

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