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Get To Know Caitrin, Our New Director of Operations

Posted on February 14, 2017 by Inception Fertility

In fact, my first ‘internship’ was shadowing a Labor and Delivery Nurse in my hometown of Madison, Wisconsin. For reasons still unfathomable to me, a number of women and men allowed a slack-jawed high schooler to observe the moment they became a family. I remember being struck by two things: (1) how profound it was to be part of the team in the room, helping and encouraging the parents-to-be, and (2) that it was a far harder, messier experience than I anticipated. As Director of Operations, I am rarely in the room with our patients. I like to think, though, that the work I do managing process improvements in the clinic both gives me a spot on the proverbial ‘team’, and makes the arguably harder, messier experience of getting pregnant less so.

It is immensely gratifying to apply the healthcare service design skills I’ve honed over the past decade – first as a management consultant, then as a Stanford business school student, and finally as Director of Operations for a Google-backed telemedicine company – towards the goal of making babies (and by extension, families!). While my husband and I currently only call ourselves parents to our bully mix Tater Tot, part of my deep attachment to PFC stems from seeing the impact of fertility treatments up close. Of the six babies born in my extended family over the past year (it was a ‘productive’ 12 months!), half were through IVF. I also have a growing number of friends who have frozen their eggs as a mechanism to ensure they have the mental and biological space to make clear-eyed decisions about their partner and career.

This is all to say: I am proud of what we make possible at PFC, whether it be a family now, or options later. I’m grateful to the patients and team members who’ve made that degree of personal and professional satisfaction possible for me.

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