Lab Mix-ups and PFC's Approach

Posted on September 1, 2004 by Inception Fertility
![]( As there has recently been extensive media coverage of an ongoing child custody case resulting from a mix-up of embryos transferred by another Bay area IVF Center, we want to convey to our readers just how serious we consider this matter. Recognizing the devastating consequences of such an embryo mistake, many years ago we developed and put in place a system of patient-embryo recognition we call Pacific Fertility Center's SurTransferSM protocol. To help dispel any unwarranted fears surrounding your IVF cycle, we are presenting in this issue a detailed explanation of this important system of multiple checkpoints and special procedures for ensuring proper recognition of all reproductive materials. All of us who work in the field of assisted reproduction recognize the potential for human error. We feel very fortunate at Pacific Fertility Center to have never had a known case of mistaken identity and gamete or embryo mix-up in our In Vitro Fertilization program. However, we continually look for new and better ways to ensure these errors never will occur. Please know if ever there should be any mishaps with eggs, sperm or embryos, we are committed to immediate, complete and total forthrightness and honesty with our patients. We find it reassuring there have been over 100,000 babies born in the U.S. with the help of IVF since the first birth in 1979 and instances of embryo or gamete mix-up are extremely rare. At Pacific Fertility Center we plan to maintain our positive track record through the continued use of our proven SurTransferSM protocol. Our fertility team strongly believes that, along with providing safe and successful infertility care, maintaining correct laboratory procedures is an equally important responsibility. Sincerely, Joe Conaghan, PhD, Philip Chenette, MD, Carolyn Givens, MD, Carl Herbert, MD, Isabelle Ryan, MD, Eldon Schriock, MD

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