graphical image of Pacific Fertility Center's safety guidelines pamphlett for patients

PFC Safety Guidelines for Patients

Posted on February 2, 2021 by Inception Fertility

PFC is excited to see you in our offices as we resume cycles. In order to comply with social distancing guidelines and to keep the clinic safe for all of you, we have outlined some safety measures for all those entering the clinic. Please read the below guidelines for more information.

If you are a new patient looking to book your initial consult, please call (415) 834-3095 or fill this form.

Dear Patients,

We are honored to serve you and your family with world class treatment options at PFC. While we are all managing coronavirus risks together, the safety of our patients and staff is our top priority. Our team has used recommendations from the CDC, the state and local Departments of Health, ASRM, and our own experienced clinical and laboratory team, to develop a set of safety protocols to reduce risk to absolute minimums. This guide explains how to enable safe fertility care, minimizing risk of coronavirus exposure. Our doctors and staff are working constantly to keep fertility care safe a PFC. Please note these protocols are under constant review and will be updated as needed. We will be sure to communicate any changes with you.

If you have questions or concerns about your care at Pacific Fertility Center, please contact our main office at (415) 834-3000. We are looking forward to seeing you in our office soon!

General Guidelines

  • We require that all of our patients wear face protection at all times while visiting our clinic. We also recommend wearing face protection on your travel to and from the clinic (cloth masks are acceptable).
  • Please note, all patients will be screened upon entry to PFC (temperature checks and questionnaire). Further details are provided later in this document
  • We are only allowing scheduled patients to enter the practice to limit the number of patients in the clinic (for patients undergoing egg retrieval, please view separate guidelines). No partners, families, or other guests will be admitted.

Safely Entering PFC

  • In keeping with social distancing guidelines, we will limit the number of patients in our waiting room. We apologize for any delay caused by this process and thank you for your patience
  • Upon arrival please contact us in one of the following ways:
    • Hit the ‘PFC’ button on the call box and let our team know you have arrived for your appointment
    • Call (415) 834-3000 to let our team know you have arrived at your appointment
    • The team will let you know when it is appropriate for you to come up to the 5th floor. If we have limited space due to social distancing, we will contact you as soon as we are ready for you to enter the building.
  • When using the elevator, we request you ride the elevator by yourself, wear your mask at all times and limit the surfaces you touch

Screening before Entry

  • When you exit the elevator, you will be met by a member of our team who will screen you before entry to our waiting room. Our screening involves a three-step process:
    1. Your temperature will be checked with a no-touch thermometer. We require temperatures to be under 100.4°F/38°C
    2. You will be asked to sanitize your hands using one pump of the hand sanitizer provided
    3. You will be asked the following screening questions
      • Are you suffering from any of the following..
        • Cough
        • Fever
        • Shortness of breath or respiratory distress
      • Within the last 14 days have you
        • Been in close contact with an individual with known COVID-19?
        • Traveled overseas?
        • Had exposure to an individual with a fever or cough?
  • Please note that anyone who exhibits the above symptoms or answers ‘yes’ to the screening questions above, will be asked to speak with their primary care provider and will not be granted entry to the clinic. We request all patients answer these questions with full transparency so we may keep the clinic safe for our patients and team
  • While waiting in the office lobby, we request you sit on chairs that do not have signs on them and request that you maintain a 6 ft distance from other patients

COVID-19 Testing

  • Per San Francisco Department of Public Health Guidelines, we will require a negative COVID-19 RT PCR test result within 7 days of an egg retrieval or any procedure requiring anesthesia.
  • For safety of our team and patients, we require a negative COVID-19 RT-PCR test result before coming into the clinic if you reside or will be coming in from outside the Bay Area (please speak to your care team for more detailed information)

Please note we are not able to accept a rapid COVID-19 test result

Semen Sample drop off

  • PFC will continue to offer semen analysis and sperm freeze for our patients
  • Your coordinator will send you instructions for sample collection and drop off
  • In order to limit the time spent in our office, we require all samples to be produced at home
  • When dropping your sample off, you will be required to undergo the same screening as listed under the section: ‘Screening before Entry’

Protocol for Egg Retrieval Procedures

  • Patients undergoing egg retrieval surgery are permitted one guest for pick up only
  • Your guest must arrive at the pick up time and call our team as instructed under the section: ‘Safely Entering PFC’
  • Our team will notify your guest when they can safely come pick you up
  • Your guest must comply with our safety protocols outlined above including the use of a mask at all times as well as undergoing screening


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      Welcome to the Pacific Fertility Center Blog! Nationally and internationally recognized for providing exceptional reproductive care, our team believes in empowering people with the knowledge they need to navigate their unique fertility journeys.

      From information on the latest fertility treatments to valuable insights on egg donation, surrogacy, and everything in between, the Pacific Fertility Center Blog is your ultimate resource for all things reproductive care and support. Read on to learn more, and contact us today if you have any questions or want to schedule a new patient appointment.