Support the Federal Tax Credit for Fertility Patients

Posted on May 25, 2011 by Inception Fertility

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) introduced The Family Act of 2011, S 965 to the U.S. Senate just 2 weeks ago. This bill will provide a tax credit to offset the high costs of some infertility treatment for those trying to have a family. There is a significant financial burden associated with infertility because of the lack of insurance coverage. This bill would help thousands of people diagnosed with infertility overcome the financial burdens of family building.

According to RESOLVE, they are now working to secure Senate co-sponsors for this legislation. This does not happen unless members of Congress hear from their constituents. A letter from you to your Senators is critical.

What YOU can do

1. Contact your two U.S. Senators right now. personalize it with your story. Personal content is far more impactful than a form letter. You can add as much or as little information as you want in the body of the letter. The RESOLVE Action Alert System will do the rest!

2. Ask your friends and family to send letters too! Forward this link so they can take action today.

3. Share the information about the tax credit on your Blog or Facebook page!

To learn more about The Family Act of 2011, S 965, visit RESOLVE now!

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