One Healthy Child from One Healthy Embryo, with Elective Single Embryo Transfer (eSET)

Posted on March 27, 2013 by Inception Fertility

The Pacific Fertility Center (PFC) reports exceptionally high pregnancy rates while minimizing risk of multiples through its new technology of elective Single Embryo Transfer (eSET). eSET works by identifying an embryo with the highest chance for pregnancy. One embryo is transferred to produce one child, with the rest stored for later use.

One embryo, one healthy child.

Multiple gestation, common after traditional fertility treatment, increases the risk of complications for both mother and child. Low birthweight increases health problems for the neonate, and the risk of lasting disabilities, such as intellectual disabilities, cerebral palsy, and vision and hearing loss. According to the March of Dimes, more than half of twins, and all higher order multiples, are born at low birthweight.

eSET solves this problem, transferring one embryo at a time, with high pregnancy rate and low risk.

eSET is a unique combination of technologies that identify high quality embryos with the best chance of pregnancy: extended embryo culture, embryo selection, and vitrification. High quality embryos are transferred one at a time, or stored for future use, though vitrification.

Time-lapse photography (Early Embryo Viability Assessment, Eeva™), morphology assessment, and Comprehensive Chromosome Screening (CCS) identify embryos with normal cell division, chromosome counts, and early development that have the best potential for pregnancy.

Embryo freezing, as mastered by PFC embryologists in 2007, allows extra embryos to be stored for future use, with very high pregnancy rates. Successful vitrification of embryos, identified with CCS and Eeva™, allows efficient use of embryos to generate more singleton pregnancies and fewer multiples.

One healthy baby at a time is a primary goal of fertility treatment at PFC. PFC physicians work carefully with every patient to reduce the risk of a multiple gestation (twins and triplets) and the risks it poses for mother and baby. Ideal candidates for eSET are those at greater risk of multiples, including patients younger than 35, patients using donor-egg embryos, and patients of all age groups with known chromosomally normal embryos from CCS.

In 2012, PFC's overall implantation rate for eSET was 60 percent in women under age 35. There were no twins, and no triplets, in this age group. When eSET was aided by CCS, implantation rate was 74% in women age 40 and under. In those over age 40, implantation rates were 64%. PFC considers this very beneficial because a singleton pregnancy is a safer pregnancy, and it increases the odds of having a healthy baby.

About Pacific Fertility Center
Pacific Fertility Center is an international destination for male and female fertility treatment and care. It provides an extensive array of fertility treatment options ranging from intrauterine insemination (IUI), intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and in vitro fertilization (IVF) to cutting-edge technology such as vitrification and genetic testing of embryos. For more information:

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Renee H. Scudder, MS
[email protected]

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